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A Message from the President

According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, animals that adapt most efficiently to their environment will survive. TaxLogic is betting on four basic strategies that will assure it's survival and dominance over the long term in the online tax preparation industry. They are as follows:

Branding Making a Name for Yourself in Cyberspace
  TaxLogic was the nation's first professional online tax preparation service. Launched on the Internet in July, 1995, TaxLogic provides personal income tax preparation, professional tax advice and an extraordinary selection of tax related news and information services. In an effort to solidify the TaxLogic brand name, TaxLogic has formed strategic partnerships with America Online, Prodigy and TaxLogic was the subject of two case studies at the Harvard Business School and has been featured extensively in the media including; television networks NBC and ABC, Business Week, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Yahoo Internet Life and Personal Computing magazine. TaxLogic continues to form strategic alliances with leading internet companies and will devote significant marketing, advertising and public relations resources to build the TaxLogic brand name.
Simplicity Making the Service Easy-to-Use for Non-Techies
  TaxLogic customers do not require any knowledge of tax laws. You simply provide your tax information through an automated interview. Certified tax experts decide what forms need to be filled out and printed, and calculate your lowest legal tax liability for both federal and state returns. Every client receives a personal phone call from TaxLogic to discuss the tax return. The company also created a system that memorizes your personal information. The next time you use TaxLogic to prepare your return, there's no need to retype your personal data. It's part of another vital leadership strategy–keeping it simple.
Stickiness Getting People to Visit Often and Stay a Long Time

Successful internet sites must get people to visit frequently and hang around. It's called "stickiness" and it's a crucial measurement of a company's success. In the stickiness category, TaxLogic is the one with the superglue. The TaxLogic News & Information service is updated frequently with tax columns and breaking news stories.

In January 1999, TaxLogic launched out public message board forum whereby users can post tax questions and get answers in less than 12 hours from TaxLogic for FREE.

TaxLogic's Web Resources area provides well-maintained links to the most important resources for tax filing, laws and legislative issues on the Internet. TaxLogic has built a community of clients that visit our site frequently to get answers to all their tax questions.

Eyeballs Drumming Up New Users Locally and Nationally
  It's not enough to have a great, sexy website rich in content and services. The name of the game is drawing millions of users. Since December, 1995, TaxLogic has had a strategic partnership with America Online (AOL). Today, our relationship with AOL brings in more than 17 million sets of eyes to our service. During the 1999 tax season, TaxLogic was AOL's exclusive provider for answering tax questions (Keyword: TaxLogic) on AOL. A hot-link button from the TaxLogic Forum on AOL automaticallly transfers AOL users to the TaxLogic website and generates millions of hits each year. We also draw new users to our website via our partnerships with Prodigy and In addition, during 1999, we hosted a live tax discussion on E-Trade that drew national attention to our website. In a nutshell, our strategic alliances coupled with our strong marketing and public relations campaign is generating millions of hits for the TaxLogic website.

As we look forward to the year 2000 tax season, our goal is to continue to expand our market share and to be the dominant online tax preparation firm. We are positioning ourselves to do to H&R Block what is doing to Barnes & Noble. I trust you'll find the following press clips and related information very encouraging.

Respectfully yours,

Lewis A. Weinstein
Founder and President of TaxLogic